ACROP consists of the Chair of the committee and representatives from other ESTRO standing committees.
Chair: Claus Belka, Munich, Germany
Radiobiology Committee: Jan Bussink, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Radiobiology Committee: Rob Coppes, Groningen, The Netherlands
Education Council: Jesper Grau Eriksen, Aarhus, Denmark
Physics Committee: Eduard Gershkevitsh, Tallinn, Estonia
Clinical Committee: Morten Høyer, Aarhus, Denmark
Clinical Committee: Eric Lartigau, Lille, France
RTT Committee: Mirjam Mast, The Hague, the Netherlands
GEC-ESTRO Committee: Jose Perez-Calatayud, Valencia, Spain
RTT Committee: Philip Scherer, Salzburg, Austria
Young Committee Observer: Pierfrancesco Franco, Turin, Italy
GEC-ESTRO Committee: Vratislav Strnad, Erlangen, Germany
Physics Committee Representative: Jeroen Van de Kamer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The committee is contactable through Eralda Azizaj at the ESTRO office.