Chair: Rob Coppes, Groningen, The Netherlands

Anthony Chalmers, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Ludwig Dubois, Maastricht, The Netherlands

Heidi Lyng, Oslo, Norway

Laure Marignol, Dublin, Ireland

Francois Paris, Nantes, France

Brita Singers Sørensen, Aarhus, Denmark

Marc Vooijs, Maastricht, The Netherlands

Observer: Kerstin Borgmann, Hamburg, Germany

Observer: Ester Hammond, Oxford, United Kingdom

The committee is contactable through Alessandra Nappa at the ESTRO office.

The RadioBiology Committee (RBC) provides various activities at the educational and research level to foster and promote basic, preclinical and translational / clinical radiobiology within European radiation oncology. To fulfil this aim, the RBC activities are focused on:

  • Promoting international exchange of knowledge and experience and supporting international as well as national activities to establish graduate and postgraduate training programmes in the field of radiation research in general, especially in basic and clinical radiation biology/oncology
  • Serving as advisory committee to the Scientific Committee at the annual ESTRO meeting and responsibility for appointing a radiobiologist to the Programme Committee of this meeting
  • Providing topics for pre-meeting activities and radiobiology sessions at the annual ESTRO meeting
  • Appointing a member of the Radiobiology Committee to become member of the ESTRO Education Council
  • Advising the ESTRO Education Council in establishing new teaching courses and appointing new course directors.
  • The Radiobiology Committee meets twice a year: at the ESTRO office and at the annual conference.